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Monday, June 16, 2008

Spiritual Quantum Physics Mind of God

The Mind of God

What is Spiritual Quantum Physics? What is materialistic Quantum Physics? What is Spirituality? What is religion?

To be spiritual means to believe in a higher force than yourself. Something, someone, some energy, some intelligence that is superior to man.

To be religious is to believe in the teachings or revelations of a some other man. Materialistic Quantum Physics falls into this category. All the great materialistic scientists are still trying to figure out creation. Who and what we are, where we came from and where we are going with their minds. No belief what so ever that there is someone or something superior to them. What egotism.

They will go round and round trying to explain the laws of Quantum Physics with their finite minds. But they will not be able to until they let go of the Godless concept of the Big Bang Theory. Until they bring a Creator into their formula their answer will continuously be incorrect.

Spiritual Quantum Physics starts with the premise of a Creator God, a being as far superior to us as we are to the animal world.

Exactly what are the Laws of Quantum Physics and where did they come from? The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us simply that there exists an infinite Ocean of thinking intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. The Laws of Spritual Quantum Physics tell us that the Quantum Ocean is the Mind of God.

There is no time in the Quantum Ocean, Mind of God. There is no past, present nor future. There is no physical space in the Mind of God, only the "HERE." Therefore the only thing that truly exist for us is the HERE NOW!

The Ancient Wisdom writings explain the Spiritual Quantum Physics, Mind of God very simply. We live, move and have our being inside the Mind of God."

Who and what exactly is the Mind of God? Right now at our level of consciousness, and our limited finite mind we just don't know. But that is the purpose of our existence. To evolve, to raise our level of consciousness until we do know. And when we raise our level of consciousness sufficiently so that we do know who God is, we will be God-like.

Nietzsche said it: "We are Gods."

When the rain drops of water fall from the sky and start their journey down the mountain, the rain becomes small streams, that pour in and meld with the river, which eventually reaches the ocean, it becomes ONE with the ocean. It is home.

For whatever reason the Mind of God sent out Billions of 'Drops' or Souls out on a journey is beyond our ken.

Now, like the individual rain drop, each soul (each of us) must make our journey back to the Ocean, the Quantum Ocean, the Mind of God. Our journey, much like the raindrop, will be down mountains, across valleys, in streams, rivers and lakes and each such small journey will be what we call an 'incarnation.'

We "blink in" and "blink out" of the Quantum Ocean until we have finished our spiritual journey and there will be no more need to go out of our "Father's House."

Why have the Laws of Quantum Physics become known to man at this time? Why has it "blinked out" of the Mind of God from the Quantum Ocean? Because we have entered the Age of Aquarius, An entirely new space in the Galaxy. We will be in this space for the next 2000 years. The Spritual Laws of Quantum Physics will tell us how to live function and evolve during this time.

An ole Chinese proverb says "we live in interesting times!"

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.
To see more of his writings visit his websites.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

How To Use Quantum Physics For Better Health

Quantum Physics

What is quantum physics? Now in the 21st century, the secrets of the ancients is revealed in easy to understand language.

We are now in the Age of Aquarius. The age of science. all is under law.

What is the Age of Aquarius? It is a physical space in our Milky Way Galaxy. This galaxy has a galactic sun which our solar system is spinning around.

The major difference is one of time and scale. Our planet Earth moves around our sun in one year. Spending one month in each sign. Our entire solar system moves around the Galactic sun in approximately 24,000 years. It spends 2000 years in each sign.

We as a people and as a solar system have never been in this part of the galaxy before.

We are in an entirely new S.T.E.M. (space-time-energy-matter) configuration.

S (space) We as a solar system are in an entirely different physical space in this Galaxy. We have never been here before.

T (time) We have no idea how our man made concept of time will be affected. But there will be a difference. For myself, I can feel that time as we know it is speeding up.

E (energy) Einstein tells us that E= MC squared. We have no idea at this point in time (less than 50 years into Age of Aquarius) if this will hold true for the future.

M (matter) This is the substance that our physical reality is made of. It is the stuff we use to create with our thoughts. We have used up all the MATER (mother substance) allowed for the past 200 years. We have built the forms and functions of the Age of Pisces with it.

We are now in a S.T.EM. position in the Galaxy called Aquarius.

This new space in our Galaxy with it's new S.T.E.M. has given us our first two tools to use. The Laws of Quantum Physics and the Internet.

Quantum Physics finally pins it down. It tells us that all the energy in the universe, all the information about creation in God's mind exists in an infinite ocean of energy called the Quantum Ocean. Everything is there. It exists there in a timeless/space less ocean of manifested substance.

The Quantum Ocean is an infinite ocean of intelligent, thinking substance.

There are divine blueprints in the quantum ocean for everything on the physical plane. There is a divine blueprint for perfect health.

Thoughts are things. Keep this tought in your mind and you will attract the energies out of the quantum ocean and into your aura.

What are we? We are souls inside of a body. We are in reality non-physical. We are spiritual beings made of the the same spiritual material that exists in the Quantum Ocean.

Since the Quantum Ocean is an infinite ocean of thinking substance we can connect ourselves and communicate with it --- by thinking.

It is our thoughts that, by the Law of Attraction, pull the building blocks that make up our reality out of the Quantum Ocean.

Once you change your thinking from one of ill health to one of perfect health, the Divine Blueprint of Perfect health will flow into your aura, driving out all the blocked energies that cause ill health.

The Frenchman Coue' said, "Everyday in every way I am getting better and better."

There are two magic words which open the doors of the Quantum Ocean for you. I AM.

Whenever you think or speak or write using these two magic words you attract those actual energies out of the Quantum Ocean into your aura.

What ever energies or vibrations or thoughts you allow into your aura will attract the same energies and vibrations to you from the Quantum Ocean. Law of Attraction. Like to like. What you think about fills your aura.

Here is a great magical key affirmation to attract health, wealth and love now:

Several times a day sit in your favorite chair, relax and mentally say to yourself:

"I am manifesting my Divine Blueprint for my perfect health out of the Quantum Ocean (Mind of God) now."

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller (earned Viking name) is 72 and a skald and rune master. He is a retired math professor and electrical engineer. He brings his scientific knowledge of Quantum Physics into his Runic Information Website. He offers a unique approach to Runes and Quantum Physics. He offers free Runic and Quantum Physics essays and articles plus a free newsletter. To take advantage of his uniquely interesting stuff check out his webiste at http://www.runes-for-health-wealth-love-now.com and http://www.olevikingshop.com

Quantum Physics and Your Mind

Your Mind Creates Your Reality

The Age of Aquarius has given us the Laws of Quantum Physics. Simply stated the Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite, intelligent ocean of energy we call the Quantum Ocean. It is for all intent and purposes the Mind of God.

This Quantum Ocean responds to the mind of man. What ever we continuously think about will eventually manifest in our life. All that ever was, is or will be exists in the Quantum Ocean. There is no time only the Here-Now. There-fore the most important tool man possesses is his mind. We have to learn how to use our mind intelligently to reap the fruits of the incoming Age of Aquarius.

Steven Hawkins said, "....The Universe depends on the observer..." What we observe we see in our mind's eye.

All illness occurs in our bodies: but the body exists in our minds. When we heal our minds with right thought, our bodies automatically heal. Time is subjective. It is a function of our mind. It is relative. Sitting on a hot stove seems to last a much longer time than making love to one's wife.

As a race we are losing our spirituality at an ever increasing rate because all our new technology has distanced us from life's magic and creativity. It would be better if we took the computers and video games away from the children until they were at least 14. This will give them the opportunity to discover the magic of life spontaneously.

Life is more magical than mechanical.

We are finally starting to understand Socrates when he said "...He who would change the world, must first change himself." We can do this by using our minds. We do create our own reality including illness and healing with our minds.

Life and the guiding principles of life which we are now calling the Quantum Ocean, or the Mind of God is well organized. We must use our minds to learn how to use it.

Our natural state is to be healthy, but we have used our mind to think erroneously causing our illness. All healing begins with your desire to be healed and a willingness to make the mental change to incorporate healing.

Your body was born ('Blinked out' of the Quantum Ocean) with all it needs for this incarnation. Your soul knows what to do. The more you relate to your soul, the more you will experience well being at all levels of your life. Keep in mind that our bodies and the whole Universe are 1% matter and 99% spiritual energy. Our minds use that spiritual energy.

One of the biggest blockages we have to health and well being is fear. Fear is a function of the mind about something that will come from the future. Fear cannot and does not exist in the present moment. It is a lie.

Your choices and intentions, have an impact on the Quantum Ocean and alters your physical experiences. Your mind, emotional state and beliefs affect both your illness and your healing process.

Think better thoughts and accept not knowing EVERYTHING. Socrates said, "...The only thing he knew was that he knew NOTHING." Think that you are a part of the Mind of God (Quantum Ocean) which is an ocean of consciousness, that is constantly creating good.

You are your own reality creating machine. What you constantly repeat in your words and mind, tends towards visibility in your life. Your real life is totally personal and subjective.

Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, metaphysics and alternate healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

To see more of his writings visit his websites.


and http://www.runes-for-health-wealth-love-now.com

Or go to goggle and type in his pen name RAGNAR STORYTELLER for his listings. He is also a ghost writer and will write and article for you. Email Ragnar for his FREE 10 PART MINI-COURSE, "How-To use Quantum Physics in Your Every Day Life to Attract More Wealth, Health and Love, Now."

You can contact him at:
