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Thursday, May 31, 2007

7 Rune Tips
for Understanding, Integrating and Using Quantum Power Viking Runes to Get More of What You Want

The famous psychologist Carl Jung was a fan of the runes as was anthropologist Margaret Mead, who once exclaimed �Remarkable! An alphabet that reads A, B, C, X, Y, Z, God.

How can you make the best use of the amazing energies that trigger the Law of Attraction?

1. Read each card, look at the picture and notice what that energy feels like to you. We�ve all have the experience of stillness. How does stillness feel contrasted with chaos? You are familiar with all these 24 core energies. Start to notice them in your life.

2. Pick a Card for the Day.

Pick a random card and carry it with you. Apply the ideas and insights to your activities. Notice how the energy shows up, how it affects you and how you affect the world when you are deliberate about using the energy.

3. Ponder an Issue and Pick a Card!

Quantum Physics confirms what the ancient shamans world wide knew about our connection to everything and the unity of all. If you are willing to allow that part of you that is connected to access information, you will find wisdom and guidance from the rune cards. You will intuitively pick the card that will trigger understanding and insight regarding your pondered issue.

I have witnessed thousands of people, many skeptics, who were stunned by the accuracy of the cards message. Kings and peasants have used the runes to understand their past, their present and their future. You can as well. Ask yourself questions and trust that the card you pick leads you to valuable new awareness. Many have used the power of the runes to manifest their desires. Why not you? Let your new awareness lead you toward your dreams.

4. What Energy�Attracted the Current Circumstance?

Using the deck at my desk (Yes, I have decks of rune cards everywhere that I am likely to sit.) I pick the Quantum card�not a rune, but the whole universal web that contains and connects the runes and us, called �wyrd�. It suggests observing patterns of influence from then, now and when. It�s a fitting commentary on what brings me to write this message to you. It�s not a rune, just a great big comment from the universe. I pick another card and it suggests that the energy that created the current circumstances of me writing to you is both focused attention and concentrated energy. Yes, decades worth of then, now and when. I started my spiritual journey when I was 12 years old and have been a student and teacher of the universe forever, creating the current circumstance of creating a website and an opportunity to communicate with you.

5. What is the Current Energy and What is It Attracting?

One of my most frequently asked questions is �Regarding my issue, what is the current energy? I just now picked the card that indicates flow, non-resistance, effortlessness. It indicates to me that the universe is offering me a �green light� and, even more importantly, that I am not getting in my own way with resistance, doubt or fear. Knowing what energy is dominant regarding any issue is valuable. Aligning with the flow can make magic.

6. Where Are Things Headed?

Quantum Physics once again confirms the wisdom of the ancients. Time is not linear; our access to past, present and future is equally available. We can pick a rune to discover the outcome of any situation if we make no adjustments. Where are things headed? Just pick a card.

7. What Rune Energy Will�Attract� What I Want?

Knowing where things are headed allows us the choice to stay the course or shift directions. Everything in the Quantum universe is fluid and there are always infinite possibilities and parallel universes to explore. If you don�t prefer where things are headed then head in another direction. The runes can trigger insight and options if you trust your intuition and ability to know without knowing why.

The runes are familiar, core universal energies. They represent universal law and offer us the opportunity to participate in the manifestation of our intention and our dreams. Runes are simple and profound, and in infinite combinations they make up all of the experiences we have on this planet.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The TRUTH (nested Q-Time) can be Grokked
so as to be understood in Now.
And Believed.

All we have learned of psychotherapy suggests that it is at the precise time when the individual feels as if his whole life is crashing down around hir, that hir is most likely to achieve an inner re-organisation constituting a quantum leap in hir growth toward maturity.

Our hope, our belief, is that it is precisely when society's future seems so beleaguered � when its problems seem almost staggering in complexity, when so many individuals seem alienated, and so many values seem to have deteriorated � that it is most likely to achieve a metamorphosis in society's growth toward maturity, toward more truly enhancing and fulfilling the human spirit than ever before.

Thus we envision the possibility of an evolutionary leap to a trans-industrial society that not only has know-how, but also a deep inner knowledge of what is worth doing."

Human history represents such a radical break with the natural systems of biological organization that preceded it, that it must be the response to a kind ofattractor, or dwell point that lies ahead in the temporal dimension.

Persistently western religions have integrated into their theologies the notion of a kind of end of the world, and I think that a lot ofpsychedelic experimentation sort of confirms this intuition.

I mean, it isn't going to happen according to any of the scenarios of orthodox religion, but the basic intuition, that the universe seeks closure in a kind of omega point of transcendance, is confirmed.

It's almost as though this object in hyperspace, glittering in hyperspace, throws off reflections of itself, which actually ricochet into the past, illuminating this mystic, inspiring that saint or visionary, and that out of these fragmentary glimpses of eternity we can build a kind of map, of not only the past of the universe, and the evolutionary egression into novelty, but a kind of map of the future.

This is what shamanism is always been about, a shaman is someone who has been to the end, it's someone who knows how the world really works, and knowing how the world really works means to have risen outside, above, beyond the dimensions of ordinary space, time, and casuistry, and actually seen the wiring under the board, stepped outside the confines of learned culture and learned and embedded language, into the domain of what Wittgenstein called the unspeakable, the transcendental presense of the other, which can be abstracted, in various ways, to yield systems of knowledge which can be brought back into ordinary social space for the good of the community.

So in the context of ninety percent of human culture, the shaman has been the agent of evolution, because the shaman learns the techniques to go between ordinary reality and the domain of the ideas, this higher dimensional continuum that is somehow parallel to us, available to us, and yet ordinarily occluded by cultural convention out of fear of the mystery, I believe.

And what shamans are, I believe, are people who have been able to decondition themselves from the community's instinctual distrust of the mystery, and to go into it, to go into this bewildering higher dimension, and gain knowledge, recover the jewel lost at the beginning of time, to save souls, cure, commune with the ancestors and so forth and so on.

Q-Shamanism is not a religion, it's a set of techniques, and the principal Technique is the use of psychedelic plants with Mind-Intuitive leaping upon the Time-space field. Our Planet, by Hir Rotation, is bending the time-Space fields. At the surface where we all live is the greatest stress point, and it is here where the Q-shaman enters into that "streched" field. Hir Q-Real-Eyes "seeing" the Future, past, many "present" fields. Hir Choice!

What psychedelics do is they dissolve space-time boundaries,(Planet rotation is the major force) and in the presence of dissolved boundaries, one cannot continue to close one's eyes to the ruination of the earth, the poisoning of the seas, and the consequences of two thousand years of unchallenged dominator culture, based on monotheism, hatred of nature, suppression of the female, and so forth and so on.

So, what shamans have to do is act as exemplars, by making this cosmic journey to the domain of the Gaian ideas, and then bringing them back in the form of art to the struggle to save the world.

The planet has a kind of intelligence, that it can actually open a channel of communication with an individual human being.

The message that nature sends is, transform your language through a synergy between electronic culture and the psychedelic imagination, a synergy between dance and idea, a synergy between understanding and intuition, and dissolve the boundaries that your culture has sanctioned between you, to become part of this Gaian supermind, I mean I think it's fairly profound, it's fairly apocalyptic.

I think this alien intelligence is something so bizarre that it actually masquerades as an extraterrestrial so as not to alarm us by the true implications of what it is. ...This dualism of the interior and the exterior may have to be overcome.

It obviously transcends the individual .

But I suspect it is something like an Overmind of the species and that the highest form of human organization is not realized in the democratic individual.

It is Real-Eyezed in a Q-Dimension none of us has ever penetrated

--the mind of the species.
It is the hand at the tiller of history."


Grokking the Implicate Mind
Grokking Photons
Grokking the Cosmic Telescope
Mind control: 2004

HU-manity's most valuable possessions are privacy, solitude, and anonymity.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Quantum Physics

Empower Yourself With Seven Principles of Quantum Physics and Mind Creation

1. Realize that most of you Light Workers don't really want to learn quantum physics or quantum theory. It's just lot of math! You who search for books or writings on quantum physics really want the implications of quantum theory for your life. You want to know how to use quantum principles to create the life of your dreams!

2. The implications of quantum physics truly empower you. See how the five basic quantum "meanings" below enable you to enjoy a richer life.

3. Our physical universe is shapeable! Yes, quantum physics teaches us that our physical reality is moldable, and this truth excites a lot of us. It means we can create what we want, if we work with the quantum laws.

4. Our thoughts shape the universe and the matter we see. Quantum research proves that particles of light and matter behave differently when we humans "watch" them! We co-create our physical universe via the power of our minds, by using "holographic creations" made from waves of sound and light.

5. Energy follows thought. Thought is the essence of power, and focused thought is focused power. Much of the thought that creates our worlds is weak, scattered, and unfocused. With practice, you can learn to focus your mind's power and create the reality you want and deserve.

6. The laws of quantum physics show that everything must be created first in the inner world. The inner reality is the matrix, the blueprint, or divine design, and then physical matter is attracted to this "template" by the laws of quantum attraction. This is how the world you see comes into existence!

7. You can learn the techniques of spiritual pre-creation through practice and training. Once you learn this quantum process, you can easily manifest what you want in the "outer" reality.

What other skill is as fun and important to learn as how to manifest and create in your inner world? My book on "I Create Reality" teaches you how to use these quantum skills and techniques to create the life you want for yourself. I don't teach you the math of quantum mechanics, just how to apply the inner creation principles in your life.

You may want to view this short four minute video that explains more about reality and quantum physics. The music is really fun too, performed by my little brother!

To receive a ten-lesson e-course on why holographic creation (quantum creation) is more powerful than visualization, simply sign up for my I Create Reality Newsletter below. You will also receive a free book on the Manifesting Mindset, and an 8 minute Guided Money Meditation MP3 that people really enjoy.

First Name:

Copyright Christopher Westra | Quantum Physics

Quantum mind is mind power!

Albert Einstein was a genius.

I believe it was Albert Einstein who said that the greatest creative force in the universe is creative imagination. Imagination is the greatest creative force? Einstein accomplished so much in his life, yet he never graduated high school. A high school drop-out created the theory of relativity. Do you think if he ever used the power of creative imagination?

I submit yes, he did harness creative imagination by tapping into quantum mind power.

Quantum physics and mind power:

An attention focused mind has limitless potential. It dips into the realm of quantum physics. New evidence on quantum physics seems to have uncovered a new set of universal laws once you break matter down to its core of cores.

The smallest bit of matter is energy. Energy is a wave function of limitless potential. A thought is an energy wave function. Therefore, a wave function of energy can, in theory, become virtually anything. Scientific studies have concluded that a wave function, when being observed, creates a different outcome than when it is not being observed. Energy wave functions, or thoughts, can change in reality with the simple act of observing those wave functions.

I am no quantum physicist, and if you are skeptical of the potential of mind power, then I suggest watching What the Bleep do We Know and What the Bleep do We Know: Down the Rabbit Hole to gain a better understanding of the mechanics behind quantum physics.

The muscle behind the power of subconscious mind is a tool that, when harnessed correctly, will transform every aspect of your life. Your mind is like a muscle, the more you work it, the stronger it becomes. An attention focused mind accumulates everything it wants in life.

How does quantum mind power work?

Quantum mind power works on a level that us humans can not see, touch, taste, hear, or smell, but is very much real. To not be able to experience the power of subconscious mind with any of the five senses makes it difficult for us to believe it really works. We rely on cause and effect to judge potential outcomes. This is what holds us back.

For example, if you want to get out of debt, and you tell yourself, "I want to get out of debt," you will remain in debt for the rest of your life. Why?

First, your subconscious mind can not tell the difference between what is reality and imagination. Second, just thinking about the word debt will create a quantum reaction (wave function) of debt, which your mind determines as what you want to experience (remember your mind can not tell the difference between reality and imagination). Viola! Wanting to get out of debt will create the experience of "wanting to get out of debt," therefore keeping you in debt. Hint: Specifically imagine yourself already out of debt.

We know we use our mind as the vehicle for decision making, but we focus on external stimuli (wave functions) to determine our quality of life. "You are to blame for my misfortunes!" "You are the reason why I feel like this!" "You are the source of all my problems in life!"

Quantum mind power uses creative imagination to use the power of the subconscious mind to determine our quality of life, to internal stimuli to create the life we have always dreamed.

"As a man thinketh, so shall he become."

Sound familiar? That is because it is in the Bible. Jesus knew quantum mind power worked even two thousand years ago. The universe will oblige you to experience whatever your imagination can stir up.

Do ever wonder why 5% of the population is filthy rich, living the dream, and somehow continues to build enormous mountains of wealth and riches with seemingly little effort? Do you ever wonder why we are all stuck in the 95% that does all the back-breaking work that keeps you just above the poverty line, and living paycheck to paycheck?

5% of the population gets it. Read Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. They know how to tap into the power of subconscious mind and it begins with creative imagination. Imagination equals experience. Start living your dream life today.

More information about quantum mind power is available, if you can imagine the experience.


About the Author

Jeremy MacDonald can provide more information about quantum mind power upon request.