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Thursday, May 31, 2007

7 Rune Tips
for Understanding, Integrating and Using Quantum Power Viking Runes to Get More of What You Want

The famous psychologist Carl Jung was a fan of the runes as was anthropologist Margaret Mead, who once exclaimed �Remarkable! An alphabet that reads A, B, C, X, Y, Z, God.

How can you make the best use of the amazing energies that trigger the Law of Attraction?

1. Read each card, look at the picture and notice what that energy feels like to you. We�ve all have the experience of stillness. How does stillness feel contrasted with chaos? You are familiar with all these 24 core energies. Start to notice them in your life.

2. Pick a Card for the Day.

Pick a random card and carry it with you. Apply the ideas and insights to your activities. Notice how the energy shows up, how it affects you and how you affect the world when you are deliberate about using the energy.

3. Ponder an Issue and Pick a Card!

Quantum Physics confirms what the ancient shamans world wide knew about our connection to everything and the unity of all. If you are willing to allow that part of you that is connected to access information, you will find wisdom and guidance from the rune cards. You will intuitively pick the card that will trigger understanding and insight regarding your pondered issue.

I have witnessed thousands of people, many skeptics, who were stunned by the accuracy of the cards message. Kings and peasants have used the runes to understand their past, their present and their future. You can as well. Ask yourself questions and trust that the card you pick leads you to valuable new awareness. Many have used the power of the runes to manifest their desires. Why not you? Let your new awareness lead you toward your dreams.

4. What Energy�Attracted the Current Circumstance?

Using the deck at my desk (Yes, I have decks of rune cards everywhere that I am likely to sit.) I pick the Quantum card�not a rune, but the whole universal web that contains and connects the runes and us, called �wyrd�. It suggests observing patterns of influence from then, now and when. It�s a fitting commentary on what brings me to write this message to you. It�s not a rune, just a great big comment from the universe. I pick another card and it suggests that the energy that created the current circumstances of me writing to you is both focused attention and concentrated energy. Yes, decades worth of then, now and when. I started my spiritual journey when I was 12 years old and have been a student and teacher of the universe forever, creating the current circumstance of creating a website and an opportunity to communicate with you.

5. What is the Current Energy and What is It Attracting?

One of my most frequently asked questions is �Regarding my issue, what is the current energy? I just now picked the card that indicates flow, non-resistance, effortlessness. It indicates to me that the universe is offering me a �green light� and, even more importantly, that I am not getting in my own way with resistance, doubt or fear. Knowing what energy is dominant regarding any issue is valuable. Aligning with the flow can make magic.

6. Where Are Things Headed?

Quantum Physics once again confirms the wisdom of the ancients. Time is not linear; our access to past, present and future is equally available. We can pick a rune to discover the outcome of any situation if we make no adjustments. Where are things headed? Just pick a card.

7. What Rune Energy Will�Attract� What I Want?

Knowing where things are headed allows us the choice to stay the course or shift directions. Everything in the Quantum universe is fluid and there are always infinite possibilities and parallel universes to explore. If you don�t prefer where things are headed then head in another direction. The runes can trigger insight and options if you trust your intuition and ability to know without knowing why.

The runes are familiar, core universal energies. They represent universal law and offer us the opportunity to participate in the manifestation of our intention and our dreams. Runes are simple and profound, and in infinite combinations they make up all of the experiences we have on this planet.

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