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Monday, May 19, 2008

Quantum Mind Power - Does It Really Give You Quantum Mind Power Or Is It A Con? Find Out Now!

Quantum Mind Power is a new system that claims to help eliminate stress and tension without the user having to be good at meditation and claims to work for even a novice to the workings of meditation.

So how does Quantum Mind Power work?

Well the system was created by a guy called Morry Zelcovitch and is made up of monaural and isochronic tones that manipulate the brainwaves and can induce a relaxed state.

I will not go into the technical details as to be honest it is beyond me, although Morry claims to have studied with the leading brainwave researchers and the program took 15 years of research to complete.

So to recap as you know meditation requires practice but an experienced practitioner can go into deep stress relieving states using meditation. What the Quantum Mind Power program does is induce these states with no willpower from the user so all you need to do is listen to the “noise” and the program will induce these stress relieving states.

Part of the allure of the Quantum Mind Power is the fact that no effort is required and all you need to do is sit or lay back and let the program do its work.

Well I invested in Quantum Mind Power to see if it really did have an effect and when I first started listening it sounded like an out of tune television and a chopper in the background but I decided to stick with it to see if it really could help.

The “noise” that you listen to within the program is meant to be a mix of the isochronic and monaural tones that change the brainwave patterns to make you feel stress free in much the same way as meditation without the willpower.

So what benefits does the Quantum Mind Power program promise:

  • Reduced Stress Levels
  • Motivation Will Be Boosted
  • A More Positive Outlook On Life
  • Enhanced Creativity

There were also many more benefits promised of the same elk, so that leaves the question does Quantum Mind Power actually work?

Well that really does depend on the user and having used it myself I must say that I do feel relaxed after a session with the Quantum Mind Power program.

However I am still not sure whether that is the placebo effect, making me feel relaxed.

That said, there are plenty of “Brainwave Entertainment” programs about and they cost so much more than the Quantum Mind Power program, so if you still have not got round to trying Brainwave Entertainment then I would recommend giving a go especially as it does come with a full 8 week guarantee.

Christopher Jones is interested in all aspects of the mind and body and has been practicing meditation for 4 years. He writes reviews and recommendations on the programs that he feels will benefit like minded people.

For more info on the Quantum Mind Power program and to get a FREE trial track of this technology click the link below:

Quantum Mind Power

Mind and Emergence - From Quantum to Consciousness

It was only recently that I have started a fascination about the power of the subconscious mind and began reading a lot of helpful books on consciousness and quantum reality. One such book that I came across while I was in the self-help section of the bookstore the other day was a book called Mind and Emergence: From Quantum to Consciousness, which is written by Philip Clayton.

Clayton is the author or editor of 15 books and some 100 articles in the philosophy of science, metaphysics, theology, and related fields. In this book, Mind and Emergence: From Quantum to Consciousness, Clayton suggests that emergence is the third and latest philosophical construct that aims to explain consciousness. Clayton also wrote in his preface that emergence offers an example to understand human consciousness in many realms -- from physics to theology.

Look, I am no major in philosophy and I will not attempt to spew philosophical concepts and theory about the quantum reality, but I do find the book an interesting read for someone like me.

As I began to delve deeper into understanding how our subconscious mind truly works, I began to understand the bigger scheme of things and realize that our thoughts are being manifested into waves of energy. It also helps to understand the concept of emergence in philosophy which refers to the way composite systems and patterns start to materialize out of a whole network of simple interactions.

To some of us, human consciousness will always be mystery and will only be discussed in academic journals and philosophical debates. Yet to some others, understanding the possibilities that the human consciousness can bring to us will undoubtedly give us a holistic purpose of our lives.

If you are looking to further study emergence as a concept, you would probably find Mind and Emergence: From Quantum to Consciousness a suitable read. However, if you simply want to learn more on how to use the power of subconscious mind to propel your life to greater heights then you might be interested to sign up for the free course as provided below.

Would you like to learn powerful mind control techniques that can help you to attain your deepest desires, achieve a euphoric state of being, attract abundant wealth and empower your lives forever? Sign up for a FREE 5-part self empowering lessons here at Quantum Mind Power Secrets!

Check out our Quantum Mind Power blog at http://quantum-mind-power.info for more resourceful information.