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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Quantum Mind Power - Instead of Holosync? (QUANTUM MIND)


If you've been studying meditation and various brainwave techniques, you're probably familar with the Holosync Solution. It's an audio program using a binaural beat technology designed to actually change your brain wave activity. One can experience meditative brain waves much faster using this program. Studies have shown that using this system over a period time can reduce stress and give you a whole host of benefits. And in fact, it's a great program. I've used it for over two years and gotten fantastic results.

As with all great innovations, there will be copycats and others claiming to do the same thing, usually much cheaper. Most of my experience with these other companies has been disappointing. They either were not using the same technology or lacked the customer support that Centerpointe gave. But now I've discovered a new program that rivals all the claims that Holosync did, plus has excellent customer support.

The name of the system is Quantum Mind Power. Although the basic premise of the technology is the same, the creator of the program, Morry Zelcovitch, uses monaural and isochronic tones for what he refers to as "brainwave entrainment". I won't go into the technical aspects in this writing, but Morry is a certified "Brainwave Entrainment Engineer/Specialist" and has studied under the leading brainwave researchers. He knows what he is talking about.

What does all this mean to you? Now there is a program that delivers all the results of the Holosync Solution for far less money. Furthermore it has the same money back guarantee and support system. Still more, they have a forum for users of the program where you can log on and weigh your concerns and results with other users and Morry himself.

I can't anticipate you'll get the same results using this plan as other people. Everyone is different. I can tell you that even though I haven't used the Holosync technology in approximately six months, when I listened to the Quantum Mind Power for the first time, I went right into the meditative state I had performed with Holosync.

What type of improvements can you anticipate using Quantum Mind Power? Here's a short list:

reduced stress

enhanced creativity

a more positive attitude

improved relationships

melt away the mental and emotional blocks and resistance that hold you back from success

boost motivation

and many more others

Please note: there are differences amongst the two programs and I still realize that Holosync has many benefits, but if you are looking for a lower-cost method to feel a significant advancement on your mental attitude, I advise giving Quantum Mind Power a try!

For a free audio sample of the Quantum Mind Power system, click on the link below.

Self Help Product Reviews reviews self improvement programs. To get a free audio sample of the Quantum Mind Power Program, go to: Free Audio Sample

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Quantum Mind Power - Does It Really Give You Quantum Mind Power Or Is It A Con? Find Out Now! (QUANTUM MIND)


Quantum Mind Power is a new system that claims to help eliminate stress and tension without the user having to be good at meditation and claims to work for even a novice to the workings of meditation.

So how does Quantum Mind Power work?

Well the system was created by a guy called Morry Zelcovitch and is made up of monaural and isochronic tones that manipulate the brainwaves and can induce a relaxed state.

I will not go into the technical details as to be honest it is beyond me, although Morry claims to have studied with the leading brainwave researchers and the program took 15 years of research to complete.

So to recap as you know meditation requires practice but an experienced practitioner can go into deep stress relieving states using meditation. What the Quantum Mind Power program does is induce these states with no willpower from the user so all you need to do is listen to the “noise” and the program will induce these stress relieving states.

Part of the allure of the Quantum Mind Power is the fact that no effort is required and all you need to do is sit or lay back and let the program do its work.

Well I invested in Quantum Mind Power to see if it really did have an effect and when I first started listening it sounded like an out of tune television and a chopper in the background but I decided to stick with it to see if it really could help.

The “noise” that you listen to within the program is meant to be a mix of the isochronic and monaural tones that change the brainwave patterns to make you feel stress free in much the same way as meditation without the willpower.

So what benefits does the Quantum Mind Power program promise:

  • Reduced Stress Levels
  • Motivation Will Be Boosted
  • A More Positive Outlook On Life
  • Enhanced Creativity

There were also many more benefits promised of the same elk, so that leaves the question does Quantum Mind Power actually work?

Well that really does depend on the user and having used it myself I must say that I do feel relaxed after a session with the Quantum Mind Power program.

However I am still not sure whether that is the placebo effect, making me feel relaxed.

That said, there are plenty of “Brainwave Entertainment” programs about and they cost so much more than the Quantum Mind Power program, so if you still have not got round to trying Brainwave Entertainment then I would recommend giving a go especially as it does come with a full 8 week guarantee.

Christopher Jones is interested in all aspects of the mind and body and has been practicing meditation for 4 years. He writes reviews and recommendations on the programs that he feels will benefit like minded people.

For more info on the Quantum Mind Power program and to get a FREE trial track of this technology click the link below:


Quantum Mind Power

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Quantum Mind Power Recordings (QUANTUM MIND)

Quantum Mind

"The Quantum Mind Power recording is nothing BUT noise!". That was the first thing my fiancée told me when I let her listen to the 'The Morry Method Brainwave Entrainment System' for the first time.

It was challenging to convince anyone that the Quantum Mind Power recordings are able to create a profound effect on your life. Well at least, it was especially difficult for me to persuade my fiancée to give this program a fair try. More so when she gave me that puzzled look when I told her that the Quantum Mind Power system was developed by a certified brainwave entrainment specialist.

I can understand that look perfectly as I was in the same position myself when I first heard about the amazing technology of the Quantum Mind Power system. And I am pretty sure even if you have heard of the brainwaves entrainment program remotely before, you would be wondering the same thing too. Alright, let us break it down to simpler words, shall we?

What exactly is the Quantum Mind Power system?

The Quantum Mind Power system is a series of MP3 recordings that are supposed to train your brainwaves to attain a meditative state of mind also known as the Alpha stage.

It is made up of pulsing sounds and ‘noise’ if you would like to call it, and is responsible for tuning your brainwaves into the right frequency for your Alpha state.

So, what is the Alpha state?

The Alpha state of mind is when you drop a level down from your active consciousness level, which is Beta by the way, and starts to drift off in your thoughts. Examples of Alpha states are when you are driving, taking a shower, reading a book before going to bed, praying and so on.

When you are in Alpha mode, you maintain consciousness level but you are very aware of your surroundings. This is the state where you 'communicate' with your subconscious mind with thoughts and affirmative ideas.

The Quantum Mind Power system is designed to help tune your brainwaves pattern to reach Alpha mode at will. The creators of this program believe that the 'noise' generated can help to enhance your mental prowess.

It can help you to learn at a faster speed, be more creative, solve problems better, be more focused and improve your intuitive abilities.

Would you like to learn powerful mind control techniques that can help you to attain your deepest desires, achieve a euphoric state of being, attract abundant wealth and empower your lives forever? Sign up for a FREE 5-part self empowering lessons here at Quantum Mind Power Secrets!

Quantum Mind

Check out our Quantum Mind Power blog at http://quantum-mind-power.info for more resourceful information.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Quantum Mind Power - Does It Really Give You Quantum Mind Power Or Is It A Con? Find Out Now!

Quantum Mind Power is a new system that claims to help eliminate stress and tension without the user having to be good at meditation and claims to work for even a novice to the workings of meditation.

So how does Quantum Mind Power work?

Well the system was created by a guy called Morry Zelcovitch and is made up of monaural and isochronic tones that manipulate the brainwaves and can induce a relaxed state.

I will not go into the technical details as to be honest it is beyond me, although Morry claims to have studied with the leading brainwave researchers and the program took 15 years of research to complete.

So to recap as you know meditation requires practice but an experienced practitioner can go into deep stress relieving states using meditation. What the Quantum Mind Power program does is induce these states with no willpower from the user so all you need to do is listen to the “noise” and the program will induce these stress relieving states.

Part of the allure of the Quantum Mind Power is the fact that no effort is required and all you need to do is sit or lay back and let the program do its work.

Well I invested in Quantum Mind Power to see if it really did have an effect and when I first started listening it sounded like an out of tune television and a chopper in the background but I decided to stick with it to see if it really could help.

The “noise” that you listen to within the program is meant to be a mix of the isochronic and monaural tones that change the brainwave patterns to make you feel stress free in much the same way as meditation without the willpower.

So what benefits does the Quantum Mind Power program promise:

  • Reduced Stress Levels
  • Motivation Will Be Boosted
  • A More Positive Outlook On Life
  • Enhanced Creativity

There were also many more benefits promised of the same elk, so that leaves the question does Quantum Mind Power actually work?

Well that really does depend on the user and having used it myself I must say that I do feel relaxed after a session with the Quantum Mind Power program.

However I am still not sure whether that is the placebo effect, making me feel relaxed.

That said, there are plenty of “Brainwave Entertainment” programs about and they cost so much more than the Quantum Mind Power program, so if you still have not got round to trying Brainwave Entertainment then I would recommend giving a go especially as it does come with a full 8 week guarantee.

Christopher Jones is interested in all aspects of the mind and body and has been practicing meditation for 4 years. He writes reviews and recommendations on the programs that he feels will benefit like minded people.

For more info on the Quantum Mind Power program and to get a FREE trial track of this technology click the link below:

Quantum Mind Power

Wednesday, January 2, 2008


The fundamental question of how the brain produces conscious experience
remains unanswered through classical neurocomputational explanations.
Quantum approaches to consciousness (considered highly unlikely by most
scientists and philosophers) can potentially account for difficult issues
(e.g.unconscious-to-conscious transitions, binding, synchrony, subjectivity)
but appear vulnerable to decoherence at warm brain temperatures. Since the
previous Quantum Mind conference in 2003, evidence has shown or suggested:

1) At the molecular level, enzyme-substrate interactions and sensory
transduction in photo-, magneto- and olfactory receptors rely on quantum
mechanisms (tunneling, spin transfer and/or radical pairs),

2) Cellular level ion channel cooperativity and brain-wide gamma synchrony
coherence appear to require non-local quantum correlations among states of
proteins and ions,

3) Psychoactive molecules interact with receptors through quantum correlations,

4) Quantum spin transfer through biomolecules is enhanced by increased

5) Quantum computing processes can occur at increasingly warm

6) Robust quantum entanglement can involve millions of atoms or molecules.

7) Quantum time symmetry can rescue consciousness from the unfortunate role of
epiphenomenal illusion forced by classical neurocomputation,

And finally
8) Quantum approaches offer a possible answer to the ontological question:
what *is* consciousness and what is its place in the universe?

Quantum Mind 2007 follows previous Quantum Mind conferences held in Flagstaff,
Arizona in 1999, and in Tucson, Arizona in 2003. The venue at the base of the
Alps in the heart of Europe is the University of Salzburg in beautiful and
charming Salzburg, Austria, the birthplace of Mozart. Pre-conference workshops,
Plenary talks, Concurrent sessions, and Poster sessions will be augmented by a
full social schedule in an amiable and delightful atmosphere.

Themes/Topics: Time and Causation; Quantum Pharmacology; Brain Synchrony;
Decoherence; Quantum Consciousness Models; Cosmology and Consciousness; Bohm;
Quantum Computing; Quantum Logic; Quantum Biology; Quantum-Like Approaches;
Membranes, Cytoskeleton and DNA

A preliminary list of speakers:
Dick Bierman, Gustav Bernroider, Frank Echenhofer, Avi Elitzur, Stuart Hameroff,
Basil Hiley, Menas Kafatos, Stuart Kauffman, Paavo Pylkkanen, Sisir Roy, Daniel
Sheehan, Jack Sarfatti, Lothar Schafer, Henry Stapp, Marshall Stoneham, Johann
Summhammer, Luca Turin, Jack Tuszynski, Giuseppe Vitiello, Nancy Woolf

For details, abstract submission (deadline 1st March 2007), registration and
lodging information see http://www.sbg.ac.at/brain2007/

Is Theory of Mind dependent on episodic memory?

The latest issue of Science brings an article about the relationship between Theory of Mind (ToM) and episodic memory. The article abstract by Shanya Rosenbaum and her colleagues says:

[ToM] to infer other people’s current mental states and episodic memory of personal happenings have been assumed to be closely related. We report two participants with severely impaired episodic memory who perform indistinguishably from healthy controls on objective ToM tests. These results suggest that ToM can function independently of episodic memory.

In other words, it seems that ToM and episodic memory are independent processes. I, for one, first stumbled on why this relationship should be obvious at all. So let’s ask: why should we assume that there is a relationship between the two functions? In order to answer this, we first need to know what the two functions are.

ToM is actually a term that covers many different meanings, but for the present purposes (and this the presently most used meaning) ToM is taken to mean “the ability to attribute mental states—beliefs, intents, desires, pretending, knowledge, etc.—to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs, desires and intentions that are different from one’s own”. This original definition stems from the very beginning of ToM research, when Premack and Woodruff (1978) asked whether chimpanzees have a theory of mind. Later, Simon Baron-Cohen and colleagues (1985) asked whether ToM could be found in autistic children, and some even question whether ToM can be found in non-mammals such as birds.

So basically, ToM refers to our ability to think that others have thoughts and feelings that are different from our own. Importantly, neuroimaging studies by researchers such as Chris Frith and Rebecca Saxe, ToM have shown a relation to activation in medial frontal cortex, temporal poles and the temporoparietal junction.

Episodic memory refers to the memory of personally experienced events, which includes experienced places, associated emotions, and, to some extent, conceptual knowledge that is related to these experiences. Together with semantic memory, episodic memory has been thought to be a part of a declarative memory system, i.e., conscious memory. Episodic memory is normally associated with the medial temporal lobe (MTL). Most early theories stressed the importance of the hippocampus, but more recent research has pointed to additional regions within the MTL, such as the perirhinal cortex, parahippocampal cortex and entorhinal cortex (Moscovitch et al. 2006). In addition, have demonstrated hemispheric asymmetries during different stages of episodic memory. For example, encoding has been found to involve left hemisphere structures – both in the MTL and in prefrontal cortex – while retrieval has been shown to involve the right hemispheric counterparts more (Habib, Nyberg & Tulving, 2003).

So what is the relationship between ToM and episodic memory? The neural foundations suggests that they are separate processes. However, as Rosenbaum et al. writes:

The idea that ToM is closely related to, and that it may depend on, episodic memory and autonoetic consciousness seems perfectly natural: that in order to imagine and make sense of other people’s thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions, we must rely on our autobiographical recollections. The ability to consciously recollect past personal happenings has been shown to be necessary for imagining coherent and detailed personal happenings in the future. Both episodic memory and ToM emerge close in time in ontogenetic development. The neural substrate on which the two abilities rely is in many ways strikingly similar.

In order to study this relationship, the authors studied two patients that have well-described deficits in episodic memory. In particular, the patients had lost the ability to consciously recollect personal happenings from their own lives. The question now was: would these patients also show deficits in ToM? Using a comprehensive battery of tests on ToM (Bird et al. 2004), the patients and 14 control subjects were assessed for their ability to reason about other people’s thoughts and feelings. Here the researchers found that the ToM scores were indistinguishable from that of the control subjects.

Thus, this study demonstrates that episodic memory is not needed for normal ToM functioning. However, one should bear in mind that the study was made on subjects that have already a mature ToM (and premorbid episodic memory). Thus, it is still possible that a healthy episodic memory is important in the establishment of normal ToM function during development. It would indeed be interesting to see studies relating early damage to the MTL region and the development of ToM.

Copyright © T.Z. Ramsøy

Thomas Z. Ramsøy is a cognitive neuroscientist at the Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is also co-editor of SCR and BrainEthics.



Baron-Cohen, S., Leslie, A.M., & Frith, U. (1985) Does the autistic child have a ‘theory of mind’? Cognition, 21, 37-46

Bird C. M., Castelli F., Malik O., Frith U., Husain M. (2004). The impact of extensive medial frontal lobe damage on ‘Theory of Mind’ and cognition. Brain, 127(Pt 4): 914-28

Habib R., Nyberg L., Tulving E. (2003). Hemispheric asymmetries of memory: the HERA model revisited. Trends Cogn Sci. 7(6): 241-245

Moscovitch M., Nadel L., Winocur G., Gilboa A., Rosenbaum R.S. (2006) The cognitive neuroscience of remote episodic, semantic and spatial memory. Curr Opin Neurobiol. 16(2):179-90.

Premack, D. G. & Woodruff, G. (1978). Does the chimpanzee have a theory of mind? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1, 515-526