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Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Quantum Reality and Mind Power

By James Wallace

CEO, Meta-wealth

Quantum physics, quantum mechanics, quantum theory, unified quantum field. To scholars and scientists these words indicate a curious set of facts – a little more than ho hum. To deep thinkers, metaphysicians, philosophers, those dedicated to introspection and asking the bigger questions in life, these words conjure a powerful and enthusiastic response. Why the tremendous difference in reactions?

Most scientists are unwilling to consider the possible conclusions and probable implications surrounding quantum theory. The rest of us curious about this phenomenon are able to, unmolested by the scientific establishment, consider the “what ifs”.

One of those considerations is the possibility of the mind’s affect on quanta; a very good question indeed. To contemplate this properly, you must consider the nature of quanta and separately, the nature of the mind – then compare notes. Both areas are equally mystifying, equally inspiring, and equally confusing. We’ll start with quanta.

Learn more with Quantum Mind Power

What is the scientific nature of Quanta? Quantum is an indivisible entity of energy. Quanta (plural for quantum) are packets of this sub-atomic energy. When we try to look past quanta, it vanishes. Quanta are waves and particles, mass and non-mass, matter and non-matter. It is measurable and immeasurable, real and not real, visible and not visible... all at the same time – inherently dualistic. It is completely “opposite”, physical and non-physcial, in the same place, space and time, contrary to the current classical (and still widely accepted) laws of physics.

What in the world does any of that have to do with the mind? Well, there’s one other point: Quanta, the building blocks of everything in the universe, appear only when we observe it. The very act of observation brings it to life; again standing popular physics on its side. To bring the mind into context, we first must briefly comment on brain function.

The brain, as we all know, is an organ, a collection of neural networks processing information, a mass of molecules performing assessments and sending signals to other areas of the body – countless and endless computations. The question is, computations of what, exactly? Stimulus. What then is stimulus? Generally speaking, if we follow logic, all stimuli are “things” impressing themselves upon the brain and all things are made up of quanta. Quanta are wave and particle, energetic and physical. If we stick with the particle and physical component of quanta (half the equation), we can see that the brain interprets, translates, defines and directs the body to respond to the stimulus of the physical expression of quanta.

Golf With Your Quantum Mind
By Craig Sigl

Does that headline create some curiosity in you? Are you wondering what the heck this is going to be about. As I came up for the idea to write about this, I wasn't quite sure myself. But then I thought, let's just go first to a book called "Quantum Golf" by Kjell Enhager.

I first read this book a couple years ago, before I was trained in Neuro-linguistic Programming (I'm now a Master Practitioner). And to be honest, I didn't understand it at all. I even discussed it with my local pro and between the two of us, decided that it was a book that was better left to the psychology wizards.

Lately, I've been extremely fascinated with learning about what is called "Quantum Physics" (What does this have to do with golf? Don't worry, I'll get there). It seems that scientists have been studying about things that are smaller than atoms since the turn of the 20th century and that's what they call this science. Remember in high school or maybe before that, we were all taught that the building blocks of all matter are atoms? Well, it turns out it's not true.

The big "Aha" about Quantum Physics is that we create our reality through our observations and thoughts. And it's now been proven by physicists. These scientists were so baffled by this idea that some of them ended up turning to mystic religions and others went bonkers over it.

Fast forward to Quantum Golf. It's a fictional story about a man named Smith. He's from New York and a typical golfer who has taken numerous lessons and done everything under the sun in an attempt to improve his game (sound like anyone you know?). In desperation, he is told of this golf pro, St. Claire, who lives in the middle of nowhere in the farmlands of middle America.

Smith flies out to take lessons from him and at the end of the story, of course, he "gets it" and starts to play beyond what he thought was possible. He is taught about creating a "superfluid" swing. He learns to have "Q vision." St. Claire tells him about the difference between "classical golf" and "Quantum golf." Classical golf is about the conscious swing and has gotten him nowhere so far. He tells him that those who have mastered Quantum golf hit the ball perfectly straight!

St. Claire teaches him such ideas as: "The mind has its attention only on the surface level, and then what you're failing to take into consideration as your priority is the unchanging, reliable inner being of the individual who is swinging the club."

Starting to sound a little far out now? Ok, that's what I thought too the first time I read this book. But now, it all makes perfect sense to me. You see, classical physics teaches us about how everything is mechanical. About how you can trace back every cause to it's effect in a way that can be described or codified by mathematics and known laws of our planet such as gravity. This is so much like folks who think that the gateway to playing great golf is to consciously work on their golf swing until they somehow come to the idea in their own mind that it is now perfect...and THAT never happens!

Quantum golf and Quantum physics itself allows for the dynamic of the human mind to actually change reality. Yes, that's what I wrote...CHANGE REALITY. Now, I'm not going to get into a discussion about what is reality because I sometimes get dizzy thinking about that myself. However, too many great philosophers have said things like: "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." Henry Ford.


"Nothing is good or bad, except what thinking makes it so." William Shakespeare

In the past, I would have read this kind of great quote and thought to myself something like: "Oh that's nice" and went on my merry way of doing what I've always done and not getting what I wanted to get.

Today, when I hear or read such quotes I not only believe it in the deepest part of my golfing body and mind, but I can teach it with the backing of science behind me.

Once you really believe in the Quantum nature of your own mind, all sorts of good things happen to your golf game. Can you think of a time when you played with pure joy and exhilaration? Have you ever had a time when you stood over a putt...AND YOU KNEW you were going to make it !? Have you ever played with another golfer and just felt his or her attitude rub off on you? And then you played better because of it? I want you to have more of these experiences.

Copyright 2006 Craig Sigl

Craig Sigl is a Master of NLP, Hypnotherapist, and 5 handicap golfer teaching folks worldwide how to improve their game without practicing. Visit http://www.break80golf.com for a free ebook and ecourse to learn his methods


Are life and consciousness connected to the funda-mental level of reality?

Quantum Mind 2007

July 16-20, 2007

Salzburg, Austria

Toward a Science of Consciousness 2007,
July 23-26, 2007
Budapest, Hungary

Toward a Science of Consciousness 2006

April 4-8, 2006,

Tucson, Arizona

Dream Debate DVD

MindVille Movie

Orch OR on WikiPedia

Penrose Review in WIRED

Consciousness and a Theory of Everything - Roger Penrose


in Scientific American

Breakthrough Study

on EEG of Meditation

Debate with Christof Koch

in Sci-Con Review

"Quantum approaches to consciousness"

by Harald Atmanspacher in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Changes at

The Center for Consciousness Studies

What the bleep?

Learning Annex talk series

Consciousness, the Brain and Spirituality - A Quantum Connection?

Consciousness defines our existence and reality, but the mechanism by which

the brain generates thoughts and feelings remains unknown.

Most explanations portray the brain as a computer, with nerve cells ("neurons") and their synaptic connections acting as simple switches. However computation alone cannot explain why we have feelings and awareness, an "inner life."

We also don't know if our conscious perceptions accurately portray the external world. At its base, the universe follows the seemingly bizarre and paradoxical laws of quantum mechanics, with particles being in multiple places simultaneously, connected over distance, and with time not existing. But the “classical” world we perceive is definite, with a flow of time. The boundary or edge (quantum state reduction, or ‘collapse of the wave function”) between the quantum and classical worlds somehow involves consciousness.

I spent twenty years studying how computer-like structures called microtubules inside neurons and other cells could process information related to consciousness. But when I read The emperor’s new mind by Sir Roger Penrose in 1991 I realized that consciousness may be a specific process on the edge between the quantum and classical worlds. Roger and I teamed up to develop a theory of consciousness based on quantum computation in microtubules within neurons. Roger’s mechanism for an objective threshold for quantum state reduction connects us to the most basic, “funda-mental” level of the universe at the Planck scale, and is called objective reduction (OR). Our suggestion for biological feedback to microtubule quantum states is orchestration (Orch), hence our model is called orchestrated objective reduction, Orch OR.

"Mind and intelligence are woven into the fabric of the universe" - Freeman Dyson

In recent years I have concluded that such a connection to the basic proto-conscious level of reality where Platonic values are embedded is strikingly similar to Buddhist concepts, and may account for spirituality.

This website is intended to convey the ideas and implications behind Orch OR. Click here for a general overview. However for a reader-friendly, entry level approach, try Interviews (or Popular Press under Media). The general categories are:

Personal includes my professional status, a statement about my interest in consciousness, curriculum vitae, contact information and a personal photo gallery.

Publications includes articles related to quantum consciousness/Orch OR in several categories:

Media includes lectures, Powerpoint presentations, computer simulations, popular press articles, images.

Views includes slightly tangential material from me and others.

Quantum Mind Archives includes abstracts from the two Quantum Mind conferences held in 1999 in Flagstaff, Arizona, and in 2003 in Tucson. Also included are archives from the Quantum Mind email discussion group which ran from June, 1998 to October, 2002.

Ultimate Computing is my complete book Ultimate computing: Biomolecular consciousness and nanotechnology , published by Elsevier-North Holland in 1987. Some have called it my “pre-quantum ode to microtubules” (assisted by Conrad Schneiker)